Ten Things a Junior DBA Should Learn
There is more to being a Junior DBA than knowing SQL. The DBA works at the intersection of the database, server, operations group, and developers. A DBA must understand concepts from all these facets of IT as well as be able to draw upon knowledge of their production environment to troubleshoot performance, hardware, and software issues. Below is a list of the ten topics I feel every entry level DBA should understand. The list I created stems from my experiences working with databases as both a DBA, Developer, and Manager. When looking to hire entry level DBA’s, the interview questions I ask are drawn from these areas. If you’re looking to start a job as DBA, then you’ll want to be familiar with these topics,If you are intrested to learn about SQL DBA please visit: ios app development course Backup and Restore Any DBA worth their salt should know the DBMS’ (Database Management System’s) built-in methods to backup and restore data, such as using Ora...